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Lambda expressions in JAVA

The Best new feature of JAVA SE 8 is called project Lambda. This brings Java into the world of functional programming. In computer science terminology Lambda is an anonymous function, that is a function without a name. In Java all functions are members of classes and refer to as methods. A Lambda expressions let you define a class and a single method with very consisted task, like implementing an interface that has abstract method. It lets developers simplify and shorten their code making it more readerable and maintaiable. Lets take look at few code snippets.

Priority it Java SE 8, if you want to create thread you first define a class and implements the runable insterface. This is the interface have single abstarct method named run and accpect no arguments. You might define the class in its own code file. File named and you might named and impement the single abstract method.

public class MyRunnable impments Runnable{
public void run(){

In the example out a string to the console. You will take that object and pass it to a instence of the tread class and calling the tread start method.

MyRunnable r = new MyRunnable();
new Thread(r).start();

My code will run its own tread and on its own memory space. In Java SE 8 you can improve this code little bit instend of decaring your class in a separate file, you might decare it as single user class know as inner class. local to methods in use.

But we can improve it more by decaring the class as Anoymous class. We will impment the run method and still calling start method.

new Thread(new Runnable(){
    public void run(){
         System.out.println("Hello World");

In Java SE 8 we can singnicatly refacer the code that make the code lot mroe readable. The Lambda verstion look like this.

Runable r = ()-> System.out.println("Hello");
new Thred(r).start();

In the above code I am using a single line of code to decalare method implemetation and once again I am passing the object. to the Treads constrcuter.


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