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Introduction to MEAN Stack

MEAN stands for Mongo, Express, Angular and Node. In the world of modern software, we typically deal with frontend and backend. MEAN Stack includes both technologies for both sides frontend and backend.


Mongo is a cross-platform document-oriented database. Meaning is not like more traditional SQL database. Which is where NoSQL term comes from, with that means Mongo DB Store JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas making it better and faster for some applications.Companies with large scale deployments of Mongo DB includes Adobe, eBay, LinkedIn and much more. There is no database we can call as the best. It depends on the type of the system. Mongo DB is one in many options. Mongo DB is good for developers who is familiar with JavaScript and JSON and also easy to start learning.


Express or ExpresJS is Node JS web application framework. It's the server framework for NodeJS. It allows quick development of robust web APIs by providing the thin and performance focus layer on top of Node. It's simple and fast and allow you to keep using all your original Node features.

In other words, it is simply fast and a lot of to keep using all the original node features and it is very popular. Think of the twitter application, requesting a twitter feed for today. That weather API colour meets to form the client app through the twitter weather API, which gives us the wrong feed data which then get presented by the client app specialised to make a weather API just like that.


Angular is the first and only front end component of the mean stack. It’s an open source web application framework mainly maintained by google. It allows us to make dynamic web applications which are different than static web pages we often see. Think of something like Gmail that has a single page with dynamic content reload and modified by pressing buttons which are a lot more like a mobile application than a traditional website. In other words, it gives us the behaviour we expect from a mobile app but in a browser web app. At the time of this writing Angular two is still being developed is in a released candidate stage. So we will be using angular one. 


Node is an open source cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side web applications. Developers can write then javascript code which gets interrupted by google via javascript engine. same engine used in the chrome browser, writing the javascript on both the front end and back end that allows for the code and library we use. As well as a unified environment which is running feature in many developers. The node also has an event-driven architecture capable of asynchronous IO. If you come from more traditional programming setting this might be bit strange to you at first but you soon realised the power of improvising for creating web applications 


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