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Showing posts from April, 2017

Lambda expressions in JAVA

The Best new feature of JAVA SE 8 is called project Lambda. This brings Java into the world of functional programming. In computer science terminology Lambda is an anonymous function, that is a function without a name. In Java all functions are members of classes and refer to as methods. A Lambda expressions let you define a class and a single method with very consisted task, like implementing an interface that has abstract method. It lets developers simplify and shorten their code making it more readerable  and maintaiable . Lets take look at few code snippets. Priority it Java SE 8, if you want to create thread  you first define a class and implements the runable insterface . This is the interface have single abstarct method  named run  and accpect no arguments. You might define the class in its own code file. File named and you might named and impement the single abstract method. public class MyRunnable impments ...

Working with Yeoman

Let's take a look at Yeomen. Yeomen is not part of MEAN Stack but allow us to quickly get startup providing us with generators that can create starter temples. It helps to setup the links between some or all the components of MEAN Stack, without having to do it all by hand. We will be focusing  a developing an app with MEAN Stack in the tutorial. Let's begin installing Yeoman using npm . $npm install -g yo Now that yeoman is installed we can next install a generator with it. Let's head to yeoman . io website and click discover generators. We going to use the gulp-angular generator. It will save us a lot of time setting up some tedious tasks that make our development process much faster. Gulp allow us to automate tedious and dependent tasks which are moving files over to publish folder or linking libraries or packages that needed our app. Click the gulp-angular generator and we can see the dependencies we need to install in order to run it. So let's o...

What is an API?

What is an API? The definitions given by WIKIPEDIA - set of   Classes   definitions, protocols, and tools for building   application software. HowStuffWorks- set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a web based software application or web tool. Quora - A contract provided by one piece of computer software to another. If I was to answer that question I will simply say that API is an interface that hires the details of an implementation. For example, the interface retain on a computer has a power button. This is one function of the interface computer manufacture gives us. APIs are usually used for three things. They are used for Performing tasks. For example, we may use tutor’s API to search with reach from Sanfransico.  Retrieving data.  We may use face . -force to achieve receivers friend list.  Manipulating data.  For example, we use android API to add a new contact. What is a web API? A web API...